Seb is an associate professor in Earth sciences at the University of Birmingham, UK, specialising in volcanology. His research investigates the factors governing volcano behaviour, including complex hazards at island and coastal volcanoes. Recent research projects include investigations of explosive eruptions, tsunami hazards and volcano evolution at Indonesian volcanoes, including Krakatau. Much of his work draws on offshore datasets, and he has participated in marine research expeditions in the Caribbean, Papua New Guinea and the Mediterranean. Seb first started working in Chile in 2006, during his PhD, investigating long-timescale eruption records in the region south of Calbuco. This included field surveys in Chile and Argentina following the eruption of Chaitén in 2008. His work in southern Chile has explored the relationships between glaciation and volcanism. This links to the aims of this SOI expedition investigating recent eruptions at Chaitén and Calbuco, and to wider research plans seeking to develop high-resolution regional eruption records. Seb received an MSci in Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge and studied for his DPhil at the University of Oxford, before postdoctoral research at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton.