Scott White is a geological oceanographer who uses sonars, visual observations, GIS and remote-sensing to understand the processes that shape the seabed. Specifically, he works on understanding the variety and distribution of different submerged landscapes, both in space and time. Scott and his students at the University of South Carolina develop or use computers for automation of image analysis of the seafloor for identifying different types of terrain, habitats or environments. Scott worked on the volcanoes and tectonics at the Southern East Pacific Rise for his Ph.D. in Geology at the University of California in Santa Barbara in 2001. His research involvement over the past 15 years include mapping volcanic terrain on seafloor spreading ridges on the East Pacific Rise and Galapagos Rift, sediment deposits on the continental shelf off South Carolina, and eco-zones in estuaries. He became concerned about coral reefs after seeing the decline in reef health as a recreational scuba-diver and traveler, and is hopeful that this study of ancient reefs will provide understanding to keep living coral reefs healthy.