Sarah Caudle is a seascape artist and designer based in Honolulu, Hawaii with a focus in sustainability. Inspired by aerial views of the sea, she depicts its beauty through dynamic colors, fluid movements, and organic compositions. Using acrylics and resin on wood panel or metal jewelry, each original painting is completely unique and full of depth. As light reflects off the glassy surface of the resin, the complexities of the multi-layers are revealed, conveying a sense of wonder. She builds up each piece one layer at a time, carefully controlling the flow of the resin, while allowing it to settle on its own, emulating the movement of the ocean.
Sarah’s purpose as an artist is to create a positive impact on the world by connecting humans with nature through her art. She has always been captivated with the sea and hopes to share its beauty and wonder with others. She is passionate about learning more about the ocean, its impact on our world, the mysterious life beneath the surface, and what humans can do to protect it all. Through her art, people will be able to learn more depth about the amazing ocean and feel inspired to swim deeper into their knowledge and fascination.