Ryan has a B.S. (Hons) in marine and Antarctic science (2013) from the University of Tasmania, and continued through a post graduate Master’s degree in Marine and Antarctic science (2014). Ryan’s Master’s thesis focused on the behavioural, temporal, and environmental influential factors contributing to Southern Elephant seal dive behaviour. In late 2014, Ryan volunteered at the Lizard Island research centre, assisting in both maintenance of the site, and supporting a large research team from James Cook University (Townsville). Prior to his Tasmanian postgraduate and honours work, Ryan completed a B.S. in environmental management and ecology at La Trobe University (Wodonga). Ryan has worked under the Murray Darling Basin Authority identifying invasive pest fish species within the Deniliquin lagoon systems. Between the two science bachelor degrees, Ryan has dabbled in a vast array of scientific study, including; geology, spatial science, biotelemetry, marine biology, advanced statistical analysis, and ecological management. His areas of research interest include advanced biotelemetry, and behavioural and locomotive studies on large marine mammal species.