Charitha Pattiaratchi holds Bachelors, Masters, and PhD degrees from the University of Wales, UK. He has been at the University of Western Australia for over 30 years and currently holds the position of professor of coastal oceanography. Chari has supervised over 60 research students and 150 honours students and has published over 446 articles/reports on coastal oceanography, which include over 168 in peer-reviewed international journals. He has received more than $40 million in research funding. Chari’s research interests are in coastal physical oceanography and coastal sediment transport, with emphasis on field experiments and numerical modelling. He has played an active role in examining climate change effects in coastal regions of Western Australia, particularly in terms of ocean currents, wind and wave climate, sea level variability, coastal flooding and beach stability. Chari was a principal investigator in the previous joint SOI-UWA cruise to the submarine Perth Canyon aboard the RV Falkor in 2015.