Praditya Avianto is a technician of Marine Geology at Research Center for Oceanography – Indonesian Institute of Sciences with DIII informatics engineering background. He has been working with oceanographic and geological data processing and participating in several research expeditions for more than 20 years. Praditya has lengthy expereince working as a research equipment administrator on board RV Baruna Jaya VIII, operating and processing data from several research equipments such as CTD, ADCP, single and multi beam echosounder (Simrad EA500 and EM1002) and Sub Bottom Profiler.
Praditya has been involved in many international research expeditions including Australia Dynamic Experiment (1992-1993), Arlindo Mixing (1993), Indonesia Australia Survey for Submarine Hydrothermal Activity (2003-2004), International Nusantara Stratification and Transport (2003-2005) and Pre-Tsunami Investigation seismic Gap (2008).
Outside of research, Praditya enjoys wathcing sport programs on television specially football and motor sports.