Nina Faure Beaulieu is currently completing her BA in Biological sciences at the University of Oxford and is then heading for a MRes in Ocean science at the University of Southampton with the National Oceanography Center. During her undergraduate degree, she developed an interest for marine biology and wrote her undergraduate project on microplastics and their impacts on marine organisms following ingestion. She is aiming to pursue a career in research investigating the impacts of pollutants such as microplastics on marine organisms and the potential synergistic effects these can have alongside well-established threats such as climate change and ocean acidification.
Nina has recently taken part in a research cruise aboard the RRS James Cook as a research assistant, during which she assisted in the processing of deep-sea marine invertebrates sampled by the ROV ISIS, and she also helped in deep-sea benthic surveying using the ROVs cameras. Another marine related hobby is scuba diving, as Nina is trained as both a Divemaster and a CMAS*** technical diver.
Nina is looking forward to take part in the microplastics of the Alaskan Gulf cruise to learn about new research techniques such as eDNA and CTD work. She hopes to translate the importance of marine research to the wider public through ship to shore communications.