Dr Nicolas Waldmann is a sedimentologist with a wide background in the marine and lacustrine geosciences discipline. Dr Waldmann received his MSc from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and his PhD from the University of Geneva. After a postdoc at the University of Bergen in marine geology, he returned to Israel for a tenure position at the Department of Marine Geosciences, University of Haifa. Dr Waldmann currently manages the Basin Analysis and Petrophysical laboratory (PetroLab) and works across a range of projects, from paleoclimate reconstruction in sub-Saharan Africa using lake records to paleo-environmental reconstruction in the Beringia region. He has participated in many marine and lake research expeditions, including onshore scientists in IODP leg 359. Moreover, he is currently co-leading several IODP and ICDP drilling projects. So far, he has published over 50 peer-reviewed publications. In 2013, Dr Waldmann was awarded by the Wolf Foundation with the Krill Prize for Scientific Excellence.