Dr. Nadine Le Bris is a deep-sea ecologist, with an interdisciplinary expertise at the interface of marine chemistry, biogeochemistry and ecology. Her current research focuses on the sensitivity of deep-sea ecosystems to environmental dynamics, under multiple natural and anthropogenic influences.
She attended more than 20 research cruises with manned submersibles and ROVs on hydrothermal vents and submarine canyons, addressing foundation species response to habitat conditions and their impact on ecosystem
functions, using dedicated /in situ /sensing technologies. Since 2010, she lead the long-term monitoring study of a climate-sensitive cold-water coral ecosystem from a Mediterranean submarine canyon.
After a pHD in environmental physics and chemistry at the University of Paris, she joined the sensor development group of the French Institute for Marine Research and later integrated the Deep-sea Environment Department in 1999. Since she joined the University Pierre and Marie Curie (Sorbonne Université UPMC- Paris 6) in 2009, as full Professor at the Oceanological Observatory of Banyuls, she is driving the research and training chair programme ‘biodiversity, extreme marine environment and global change.’