My interests revolve around the development of underwater robotic systems in support of oceanographic science. My current projects include the development of a light-tethered ROV for under-ice telepresence, in addition to wireless undersea manipulation, and long-range benthic survey. I have participated in over 20 oceanographic research cruises with various autonomous vehicles including the ABE and Sentry AUVs, the Nereus HROV, SeaBED-class AUVs, as well as Iver2 and REMUS AUVs.
My role on the 1st (AUV) leg is vehicle control systems and mission planning in addition to, I expect, a fair amount of survey data processing. My last cruise with Nereusconfigured as an AUV was in the Cayman Trough back in 2009 and I’m excited to return to this unique place.