Manuel Castillo is Physical Oceanographer, Adjunct Professor of the Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. He is researcher of the Marine Observation Center for Observation and Analysis of the Coastal Ocean (COSTAR-UV). In addition, Manuel is part of the Anillo SEALS UV center and the Center of Oceanographic Instrumentation (CIO-UdeC).
The focus of its research is being related with the forcings of the circulation and hydrography of coastal systems mainly influenced by freshwaters like estuaries and fjords. He had a 20 years’ experience in observational oceanography and time series analysis with emphasis on the physical-biological links to understand the ecosystem response to changes in the environmental conditions. Thus, he had experience in mean latitude and high latitude coastal systems like Patagonian and Antarctic fjords to acquire high quality data to support the bio-statics analysis. Also, these include the analysis of the forcings like winds, tides and freshwater input to determine the main components of the circulation and hydrography variability.
Manuel is Bs. in Oceanography from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile then worked several years before to do a PhD in Oceanography in the Universidad de Concepción, Chile. He obtained a postdoc position in the Universidad de Valparaiso and then was promoted to adjunct Professor in the same University. He has several experiences in the field on National and International ships. He likes to be part of the Falkor (too) cruise and to share experience with colleagues and early career students.