Koike Tetsu is a technician of Kaiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. and a cooperative researcher of the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo (IIS-UT). His work includes undersea survey using multi beam sonar, programming data analysis, machine maintenance, and so on. He frequently boards ships on fishery survey, ocean bottom topography survey, seabed resource survey and so on. Tetsu graduated from Tokyo University of Fisheries (now Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology) and obtained a fisheries bachelor degree. Originally his specialty was fish classification and ecology.
After getting employed by a company that sells marine survey instruments, he acquired the technology of marine survey. For the reconstruction assistance of the East Japan great earthquake disaster, he started a marine survey. He has been a cooperative researcher at IIS-UT since 2015 and is in charge of seabed survey using AUV and ROV.
Research keywords: Multibeam echosounder, ROV, AUV, Larval and juvenile fish, Satellite remote sensing