Kimberley is a 3rd year PhD student supervised by Dr Michael Cunliffe at The Marine Biological Association of the UK, co-supervised by Professor J Colin Murrell and Dr Parvadha Suntharalingam at the University of East Anglia. Prior to starting her PhD in 2014, Kim gained a BSc in Marine and Freshwater Biology from Kingston University (2009) and an MRes in Marine Biology from the University of Plymouth (2014). Kim also has 4 years’ experience working in supply chain management between her Batchelor and Masters qualifications.
Kim’s research interest focuses on linking marine microbiology and ecology with biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem function. Kim’s PhD project is developing a better understanding of the microbial diversity that is sustaining the marine CO sink through a synergistic combination of laboratory microbial experiments and joint microbial diversity and biogeochemistry surveys during research cruises. Kim’s project is funded jointly by The Marine Biological Association UK and the NERC EnvEast DTP.