Josefa is currently a researcher and coordinator in the participatory science program “Científicos de la Basura” (Scientists of Litter). Previously, she has participated in projects on non-native marine species in tidal pools in Chile and has worked in the area of outreach on seagrass meadows in the north-central of the country.
Her professional experience focuses on the study of marine litter, with a particular emphasis on data validation for the 2nd International Sampling of Macro-litter on Sandy Beaches 2024, which covers 11 countries on the Latin American Pacific coast. Also, she is involved in marine conservation and environmental education, where she is the founder of the student organization “Simbiontes de Lafken Mapu”.
Josefa has a degree in Marine Sciences and is a Marine Biologist from the Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile. During this cruise, she will collaborate with the Meiofauna laboratory of the Universidad de Los Lagos in processing sediment samples. She is very excited to experience this new area in her professional career.