Dr. Webster is part of the Geocoastal Research Group in the School of Geosciences at the University of Sydney. Jody is an expert in carbonate sedimentology and stratigraphy and interpretation of marine geology and geophysical data. Jody graduated from the University of Sydney in 2000 and spent several years in the US carrying out his postdoctoral research on fossil coral reefs and carbonate platforms. His research has focused on understanding coral-reef and carbonate platform evolution and their implications for addressing fundamental problems in climate change and tectonics. In 2010, Jody was Co-chief scientist on IODP Expedition 325 Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes and will also lead the upcoming IODP Expedition 389 Hawaiian Drowned Reefs. Jody’s interests also involve linking observational and numerical modeling data to accurately show how reef and carbonate platform evolution in the Indo-Pacific are controlled by changes in sea level, subsidence and growth rates.