Javier Cristobo is a European PhD. in Marine Biology and a researcher at the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), Gijón Oceanographic Centre, in the specialty of benthic ecology.
The main focus of interest is the Phylum Porifera in different aspects, including Taxonomy, Ecology, Sponge Grounds also the marine invertebrates, Deep Sea fauna, Antarctic research, vulnerable marine ecosystems (VME), and marine protected areas.
He has published over 110 scientific articles and books on his research.
Some papers of the last years are related to the characterization of vulnerable deep-sea habitats, the impacts of fishing in Vulnerable marine Ecosystems, marine diversity, descriptions of new species, Antarctic research, or Ecology.
At present, he develops studies on the characterization of vulnerable deep-sea habitats of the Cantabrian Sea focused toward the implementation of Marine Protected Areas on Nature 2000 context.
Within the scientific activities in recent years he has participated as an investigator in 37 funded research projects, presented more than 185 communications and talks at national and international conferences, Chief of mission in different scientific expeditions, 17 Researches stages in different countries and Scientific cruises with large research vessels of the European fleet in Cantabrian Sea, Portugal, Namibia, Patagonia, North Sea, South Africa, Cape Verde, Arctic and eight times in the Antarctic. Some of these expeditions currently developing non-invasive methodologies on rocky bottoms, such as photogrammetry, landers and the use of underwater vehicles up to 2000 m in depth.