Igor Fernández is a biologist from the Basque Country University (Spain), with postgraduate MSc and PhD studies in Biological Oceanography at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). During his thesis, recognized with the extraordinary PhD award, Dr. Fernandez elucidated the environmental control on the plankton metabolism and the efficiency of the biological pump in the upwelling region off Namibia. He then held a postdoctoral position at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (Germany), where he worked on compound specific isotope analyses of amino acids to gain insights into the pelagic food web structure in contrasting marine ecosystems.
Dr. Fernández is currently a young researcher of the Millennium Institute of Oceanography (Chile). He is the principal investigator of an ANID-FONDECYT project that aims to decipher the sources and sedimentation patterns of particulate organic matter contributing to the detrital pool and community metabolism in the Atacama Trench environment, as well as to address biological connectivity across hadal settings.