Guillermo Guzman is a marine biologist of the Arturo Prat University with a Doctorate in Sciences from Sao Paulo University, Brazil.
Guillermo Guzman’s career is marked by extensive research on the marine biodiversity of Chile. His papers, which include records of species from the North of Chile and studies on the associated pelagic fauna in the eastern Pacific, demonstrate his deep understanding of the field. He has also made significant contributions to the knowledge of the deep-sea and littoral fauna, and has described three new species of decapods from Chile. His work has taken him on six scientific expeditions in Chile, including the CIMAR program of the Chilean navy, the Seep-ox expedition to methane seep in Concepcion, and the Oceana expedition to Tarapaca shores. His efforts have even contributed to establishing the Pisagua Marine Protected Area.
He has held an academic position at Arturo Prat University since the 1980s. He has represented this University in many regional councils and is the secretary of the Climate Change Regional Committee.
Currently, he is working with the decapod fauna from the Atacama deep in the Chilean-Peruvian trench, using material from the Atacamex and SONNE expeditions. He is also working with the bycatch of the Patagonian toothfish fishery, describing new species.