Dr. Guangyu Xu is a currently a postdoctoral scholar in the Marine Geology & Geophysics department of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). He received his Ph.D. degree in marine sciences from Rutgers University in New Jersey in Oct 2015. His Ph.D. dissertation focuses on using an imaging sonar to monitor the heat output from seafloor hydrothermal venting. His current research project at WHOI focuses on using a numerical model to study the dispersal of hydrothermal plumes from vent sites to the ambient ocean. Dr. Xu’s general research interests include: 1) the application of underwater acoustic techniques to hydrothermal vent studies; 2) the response of seafloor hydrothermal venting to tidal loading, bottom currents, atmospheric forcing, and geological events, 3) the impact of hydrothermal venting on the global ocean; 4) the sub-seafloor pluming system of hydrothermal venting.