Gianluca Fedele Ansaldi is an undergraduate student of Marine Biology at Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. He is currently dedicated to studying deep-sea benthic ecology, biodiversity, and taxonomy, mostly annelids and macrofaunal communities of the Southeast Pacific Ocean, in his undergraduate thesis. He’s also a firefighter volunteer in Valparaiso, Chile.
Gianluca in 2023 participated as a researcher in the “CIMAR 28 oceanic islands”, taking part in the project on soft bottom benthic communities of Insular Chile and seamounts: biodiversity and ecological connectivity, on board for a month on the cruise ship “Cabo de Hornos” which belongs to the Chilean Navy and is dedicated to scientific research. He is now in his last year of university studying marine biology, ready to contribute his knowledge to this new research cruise and learn from the great scientists who are part of the project.