Francisco Lopez-Castejon is a postdoctoral research associate at the Technical University of Cartagena, Spain, where he focuses on the use of numerical models and underwater vehicles to address new challenges in oceanography.
He has a degree in Oceanography from the University of Cadiz (Spain), a Masters in “Informatics and mathematics applied to science and engineering” from the University of Murcia (Spain) and a PhD in Coastal lagoon hydrodynamics (Technical University of Cartagena). Francisco has also worked for 9 years at the oceanography R&D department of TAXON, an environmental protection company, where in collaboration with the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain) he developed the numerical models applied by the company in their environmental impact studies.
Having completed the MBARI internship program he developed a great interest in underwater robotics. This lead to his involvement in different collaborative research Projects on the use of underwater vehicles fleets as URready4OS to detect underwater oil spill or Sunfish (Mola mola) tracking .
He also enjoys engaging with the public on the use of underwater robotics to explore the oceans.