Federica Foglini is a senior marine data scientist at the Institute of Marine Science (CNR-ISMAR) in Bologna. Her main interest and expertise is in seafloor mapping and geomorphology, marine cartography, habitat mapping technologies, multi beam swath bathymetry acquisition and processing, marine spatial data management, and Geodatabase design and implementation. She obtained her degree in Geology at the University of Bologna (2001) and MSc in GIS and Remote Sensing at Greenwich University, London. She has participated in more than 20 oceanographic cruises as supervisor of geophysical data acquisition and processing, and as chief scientist. She is co-author of several international scientific papers and has written several technical reports on the implementation and design of Marine Geodatabase and GIS mapping and multi beam bathymetry processing. Federica is involved in the GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans) as member of the TSCOM (Technical Sub-Committee on Ocean Mapping) and is Chair of the Metadata working group. She has been a member of the Ocean BIG Data Working group since 2018 for the European Marine board. She has also participated in several national and European projects as data manager (for the implementation of GIS and WebGIS system) and as an expert in bathymetric data and habitat mapping (e.g. EMODNET, IDEM, COCONET, EVEREST, BIOMAP, MAGIC, HERMIONE, HERMES, Geological mapping of the Italian Sea). Federica also supervises undergraduate, MSc, and PhD students, and teaches GIS for Habitat mapping at Bologna University.