Ernesto Fernández Johnston, is a Biologist at the team of Marine Geology Lab of the  Peruvian Institute of Marine Research (IMARPE). His studies are about paleoecology of mollusc assemblages from quaternary marine terraces and paleolagoons, paleocology of oysters natural Banks from the mangroove and sclerochonology and microgrowth in mollusc shells. 

He participate also in  collaborative research on pH effect in scallops growth and calcification, paleoproxies in anoxic marine sediments, geochemical on pore water, carbon fluxes and sediment traps. He is also a member of IMARPE thecnical advisory working  group about  Marine Reserves. 

Ernesto is a Master of Science in Aquatic Resources – Ecology from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, and Bachellor of Science in Biology from the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. He is a professor of Master Marine Sciences program at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and was also a professor of Biology Program at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina.  

Ernesto feels fortunated to participate in the Smith Ocean Institute iniciative at the Falkor too cruises in South America Pacific Ocean and is very interested to know how the geological, oceanographic and ecological process sustain the biodiversity in the peruvian deepsea of  “Nasca Ridge National Reserve”
