Diva Amon (she/her)
Title and Institution: Director, SpeSeas, Trinidad & Tobago, and Scientific Advisor, Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Bio: Diva Amon is a Caribbean marine biologist focused on the little-known habitats and animals of the deep ocean and how our actions are impacting them. She works at the nexus of science, policy, and communication and has a desire to see greater stewardship of the deep ocean as well as engagement of a broader group of humankind towards this effort. She has participated in scientific expeditions around the world, regularly advises governments on ocean policy, and has an extensive communications and outreach record. She has been recognized as a National Geographic Emerging Explorer (2020), a Pew Fellow in Marine Conversation (2022), and recipient of the Yentsch-Schindler Early Career Award conferred by the Association for the Science of Limnology and Oceanography (2022).