David Spencer has completed a BMarSc (Hons) at Griffith University on the Gold Coast, Australia. He started pursuing a career in research when he was awarded a summer scholarship to work with the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI). The project involved identifying and quantifying the role of small-scale mixing processes during summertime upwelling at the mouth of Spencer Gulf. His role was to collect and process data using a TurboMAP 9 – a turbulence microstructure acquisition profiler.
In 2013 David completed his Honours project which involved quantifying dispersion in Moreton Bay, Australia, using two types of Lagrangian drifters over the duration of a semi-diurnal spring tidal cycle. His research was awarded First Class Honours and so far has been published in the Journal of Coastal Research and the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers. He is currently on an Australian Postgraduate Award undertaking a PhD investigating physical drivers affecting the catchability of spanner crabs in east Australian waters.