Dr. David Barclay is a new faculty member in Dalhousie University’s Department of Oceanography after recently completing a post-doctoral scholar fellowship at the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Dr. Barclay has a B.Sc. in physics from McGill University and received a Ph.D. in 2011 from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, where he built the instrument ‘Deep Sound’, an autonomous deep ocean profiler that has made ambient noise recordings at depths of 9 km in the Mariana Trench and at the bottom of the Tonga Trench (8.5 km).
Dr. Barclay’s research is focused on modeling and measuring the spatial and temporal properties of ambient noise. Accurate knowledge of ambient noise increases the ability to detect signals from biologic or anthropogenic sources embedded within the ocean’s cacophony. Furthermore, the noise can be used to study the natural mechanisms that generate underwater sound and the properties of various oceanographic environments through which sound propagates. This has included the study of wind and rain generated surface noise in the deep ocean, surf noise and erosion in near shore regions, and sediment transport generated noise in the Mississippi River.