Daniel is a research scientist in the Laboratory of Biogeochemistry in Extreme Environments in the Centre of Astrobiology (CAB), in Madrid, Spain. Between (2007 and 2016), he had five post-doctoral contracts in different research centers (Australia, Sweden, Portugal, Spain and Ireland). He has a multidisciplinary background (biogeochemistry, analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, atmospheric chemistry) with extensive laboratory and field experience (Arctic, Atlantic, Antarctica, Atacama Desert, Greenland, etc.). He has expertise in the development and application of analytical techniques (GC-MS, HPLC, IRMS, GC-IRMS, etc.) for the investigation the fate, cycling and taphonomic process of organic compounds and their associated stable isotopes in the environment. On this opportunity he will contribute his experience as a biogeochemist in extreme environments on this interesting exploratory cruise of the seabed.
Daniel has a PhD in Environmental Analytical Chemistry (2007) by the UPC-UB-CSIC (Barcelona, Spain) and a B.Sc. in Biological Sciences (1997) (Facultad de Ciencias, Montevideo, Uruguay).