Professor Charitha Pattiaratchi is Winthrop Professor of Coastal Oceanography at The University of Western Australia, in the School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering and the Oceans Institute. He is also the Leader of the Australian National Facility for Ocean Gliders (ANFOG). He received his PhD in Coastal Oceanography in 1985 from the University College of Swansea (University of Wales) and over a career spanning more than 25 years he has supervised over 40 PhD students and 130 honours students. Prof Pattiaratchi has published over 300 articles/reports on coastal oceanography, including over 130 in peer-reviewed international journals.
Prof. Pattiaratchi has received more than $25 million in research funding. The research programs he has developed integrate ocean observation, numerical modelling and synthesis to define the role of physical processes in pathways of water and sediment (including morphological changes), weather and climate and ecosystem function in the coastal ocean (including estuaries and beaches) and the adjacent deep ocean.
Prof. Pattiaratchi’s research interests are in coastal oceanography and encompass physical processes and their influence on geological, climate and biological processes in the continental shelf region, the nearshore (beach) zone and estuaries based on field experiments and numerical modelling. He has played an active role in examining climate change effects in coastal regions of Western Australia and particularly in terms of ocean currents, wind and wave climate, sea level variability, coastal flooding, beach stability and coral reefs.