Camilla is assistant researcher at the Hatfield Marine Science Centre in Newport on the Oregon coast, and works within various groups (Oregon State University (OSU), NOAA, CIMRS and PMEL) based in Newport and in Seattle, Washington State. She is a fairly new member of OSU and CIRMS, having started back in August 2016. She acts as research assistant and co-manages the Helium Isotope Lab, based at Hatfield, which involves daily running of the group’s Mass Spectrometer and various gas extraction lines and processing both seawater and gas samples for analysis.
Camilla’s background is in isotope geochemistry. She gained her PhD in the UK (2013), in argon-argon (Ar-Ar) geochronology and completed a 3 year post-doc at the Geological Survey of Norway, co-managing their Ar-Ar facility before moving to Oregon. This is Camilla’s second research cruise. The first took place in June 2017 on R/V Roger Revelle, where she assisted in the collection of seawater and gas tight samples for helium isotope work. She is very much looking forward to sailing on the R/V Falkor and gaining invaluable research experience.