Dr. Angelos Hannides is a marine scientist with broad-ranging research interests, varying from benthic ecosystem function, to coastal and deep-sea biodiversity and biogechemical benthic-pelagic coupling. Dr. Hannides has worked on the interaction of chemical conditions and biological processes in marine sediments, as well as other marine habitats including the euphotic zone, river-ocean margins, estuaries, hard substrate communities, coral reefs, and deep-sea chemosynthetic habitats.
Dr. Hannides current research interest is in permeable reef sands (such as those found in Hawaii) and organic matter cycling controlled by the physical and chemical environment. He is also contributing to the development of a European-wide glider fleet by promoting the development and effective use of bigoeochemical sensors for gliders. Dr. Hannides aspires to use glider infrastructure to better understand how the eastern-most part of the Mediterranean and Levantine Sea functions and maintains one of the most oligotrophic environments, despite being surrounded by land.
Angelos arrived from his native Cyprus to the United States on a Fulbright Scholarship and recieved his B.S. at the University of Miami (Florida). After a brief stint as a fisheries observer for the federal government in Alaska, Angelos completed his Masters degree at SUNY Stony Brook (now Stony Brook University) and Ph.D. in oceanography at the University of Hawaii. He then spent four years in Cyprus, where Dr. Hannides worked as a government scientist and marine policy maker. He also served as a consultant for the private sector, and as a lecturer and researcher at the University of Cyprus. Angelos has since returned to the Department of Oceanography at the University of Hawaii, where he has spent the last three years as a post-doctoral researcher with Dr. Brian Glazer’s group. Dr. Hannides is now transitioning to a research affiliate position at the University of Hawaii.