Amara Davis is a Science Communications Intern with a very diverse background. She has a Bachelor of Science in Marine Sciences from Savannah State University and is currently pursuing her Master of Science degree in Marine Sciences from Savannah State University. As an undergraduate, her research focus was on diatom community composition during El Niño and La Niña events. Presently, in collaboration with Mote Marine Labs and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, she is examining the effects of temperature on PaV1 viral load in Caribbean Spiny Lobsters as well as fisher knowledge of the disease and fisher opinions of the status of the Spiny Lobster fishery in Florida and The Bahamas.
Amara is a 2021 finalist for the Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship and volunteers with the Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary Foundation Sanctuary Soundscapes project. She is also a former Bahamian athlete and part of the 2012 Olympic and 2013 World Championship teams. She also spent three years as a Communications Executive for The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, where she became certified in Sales and Marketing and Professional Copyediting. Amara enjoys learning and traveling and is looking forward to safe traveling to visit The Bahamas and UNEXSO’s Dolphin Experience, where she used to be a Dolphin Trainer.