Alexis Weinnig is a contracted Research Scientist with the US Geological Survey at the Eastern Ecological Science Center in West Virginia and a Guest Investigator at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. She is broadly interested in the ecology, population structure, and human influence on cold-water coral and other deep-sea ecosystems. Alexis has participated in research cruises using submersibles and remotely operated vehicles in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Atlantic Ocean off of the southeastern United States, and the central Pacific Ocean. This will be her third research cruise along the Phoenix Archipelago, including as part of the first Discovering Deep Sea Corals of the Phoenix Islands team in 2017. Alexis received her BS in Oceanography at Florida Institute of Technology, followed by an MS in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology at San Francisco State University and The California Academy of Sciences, and a PhD in Biology at Temple University.