Adriana Lopes dos Santos is a marine ecologist with a passion for uncovering the hidden world of marine plankton. As the principal investigator of the GEEK Lab (Genomic and Ecology of Eukaryotes Laboratory), she and her team dive into the mysteries of planktonic microbial life. Using cutting-edge DNA sequencing methods, we explore global and local patterns of microbial eukaryotes (protists), unravel their complex community structures, and uncover their vital roles in oceanic processes like carbon cycling. Our research blends modern genomic tools with classic methods to isolate and describe planktonic protists. Along the way, we have described several new taxa, including two entirely new classes of phytoplankton and established over 300 strains from diverse marine environments—from tropical coastlines to icy polar waters—helping to illuminate the incredible diversity of life in our oceans.
