SOI’s 2023 Virtual Symposium: Setting the Course

We are pleased to share highlights from the recent Virtual Symposium, Setting the Course, hosted by SOI. The symposium, in webinar style, was held on 2023-04-12 and 2023-04-13 and moderated by Allison Miller, SOI’s Research Portfolio Senior Manager. The event covered five topics related to recent developments at SOI:

Before the live sessions, SOI posted informative videos for each topic on the symposium website, and attendees could submit questions either ahead of time or during the live sessions. The symposium provided a platform for the community to engage in live Q&A discussions with SOI staff. 

Overall, the symposium provided an opportunity for the community to learn about the changes and new initiatives at SOI. All recorded Q&A sessions and videos are available on our website.


Scientific Ocean Vehicle Alliance (SOVA) Holds First Hybrid Meeting, Expands Membership Internationally

The Scientific Ocean Vehicle Alliance (SOVA), a network of professionals within the scientific Ocean vehicle community, was initially started during the pandemic in 2020 by Jason Williams, SOI’s Lead Mechanical Engineer, to advance subsea Ocean science technologies through the collective experiences and knowledge of its members. This year the Annual Meeting was hosted by Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) in Moss Landing, California, where SOVA members met on 2023-05-02 and 2023-05-03. This hybrid meeting marked the first time the group met in person and included international community members.

This meeting provided an opportunity for organizational updates, sharing of new underwater vehicle and technology developments, elicited feedback, and responded to questions from the group. Representatives from MBARI then led a session on science tooling, with a discussion on standard tooling and procedures.

The second day of the meeting included a session on the future outlook of Ocean sciences, with presentations on vehicles and operations, mapping, multibeam, and vehicle data systems and applications, and a session focused on camera developments.

As SOVA expands, plans include continued collaboration,  networking, and more frequent virtual workshops, between Annual Meetings, focused on troubleshooting and resource-sharing topics.

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