An international team maps four unnamed underwater canyons, explores nearly 20 methane seep ecosystems thriving without sunlight, and uncovers a dazzling array of otherworldly creatures, including suspected new species. Video...
Examining evidence of past volcanic behavior is the key to improved knowledge of future geohazards in Northern Patagonia and their impacts on marine ecosystems. Video and photos are available here....
Twenty possible new species discovered across ten seamounts, the first ever recording of a rare squid, and thriving deep-sea coral reefs were located during an expedition to international waters of...
Images are available here. LONDON – Global fashion giant UNIQLO is launching ocean-themed embroidery designs across its RE.UNIQLO Studios to spotlight the ocean through fashion. The ten ocean-influenced designs can...
Research expedition locates chemical ecosystems supporting life in the deep off the coast of Antofagasta. Video and photos are available here. ANTOFAGASTA, Chile— Scientists on a research expedition onboard Schmidt...