Climate Under Pressure – Video Premiere

This film premiered at the “Climate and the Deep Sea World” event and panel at The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26. The film examines deep-sea exploration and climate, and features compelling footage from a number of expeditions that took place on Schmidt Ocean Institute’s Research Vessel Falkor. “There is an … Continued

Heat Flow and Vent Chemistry – Video Update

“The Auka Vent Field is relatively close (to the JaichMaa’ja’ag field), so we were expecting to find similar readings. We were surprised to find out that the heat decays more rapidly and there seems to be a relation between biodiverse spots and warmer areas, even without hydrothermal vents.” The #PescaderoVentDiving2 science team explains the goals … Continued

Science Story – Marine Geophysicist – Video Update

“Picture an avocado; its seed is the Earth’s core, the flesh is the mantle, and its thin skin is the Earth’s crust. That’s what I study, just this very thin layer. I measure the seafloor sediment’s temperature and I use the data to create models of what happens under the surface. It’s like trying to … Continued

Artist-At-Sea – Conversing with Rocks – Video Update

“I believe observation trigger the creative process. Science and art are both creative and require observation. They compliment each other as ways to ask questions about nature.” Artist-at-Sea Ale de la Puente discusses her methods, approach, and excitement in working with the #PescaderoVentDiving2 crew on board R/V Falkor. 

ROV Dives – Interdisciplinary Investigation of the Pescadero Basin

During a 2018 expedition aboard R/V Falkor, Drs. David Caress, Ron Spelz-Madero, Raquel Negrete-Aranda, and Victoria Orphan, alongside a team of interdisciplinary researchers and engineers, explored the recently discovered Auka Vent Field. The Auka Vent field is a series of hydrothermal vents located in Pescadero Basin, one of several small ocean basins in the tectonically active Gulf of … Continued

Una Historia Contada por Rocas

English translation below.  Los cruceros oceanográficos siempre generan mucha expectativa en la comunidad científica. Poder realizar inmersiones en las profundidades del mar, observar organismos que viven en condiciones extremas de presión y temperatura, descubrir chimeneas hidrotermales o nuevas especies de flora y fauna que surgen alrededor de estas, suelen ser las experiencias más emocionantes durante … Continued

Tectonics and Mapping – Video Update

“Our aim is to acquire high-resolution images of the seafloor so we can better interpret all of the tectonic processes related to the ongoing opening of the Gulf of California along this region.” Leg One of the #PescaderoVentDiving2 expedition is all about tectonics and mapping. In this video, researchers on R/V Falkor explain what they … Continued

Designing the Future 2 – 4K ROV Highlights – Video Update

“Creating one new deep-sea instrument that can operate successfully in the field is hard enough to accomplish. This project took technology development to the next level and ultimately involved four different complex systems. I am proud to say after ten days at sea, these four pieces of equipment worked in concert with each other to … Continued

Applying Technologies – Video Update

“This cruise is the first science mission where we are applying those technologies to really try and tackle these questions about how can you more efficiently discover life in the ocean.” Take a look behind the scenes at the #DesigningTheFuture2 expedition and its exciting technologies.