The Underworld of Hydrothermal Vents

Cruise Log

Ir al Mar es un Regalo

No muchas personas pueden tener acceso en primera fila a ver los maravillosos y misteriosos ecosistemas que se esconden en las profundidades del océano. Tener...

Christian Winter

The Role of Ocean Viruses

Viruses comprise a group of biological entities that are physically small (most viruses range in size between 20–200 times a millionth part of a millimeter)...


The Lavatic Theatre

We have entered the gut of the East Pacific Rise desirous of an animal lacking a gut. Averaging, and at times exceeding, blackened submarine depths...


Trans-Habitats | Artist-at-Sea

Artist-at-Sea Max Hooper Schneider regularly works with the idea of “trans-habitats”: spaces constantly shapeshifting and mutating with no terminal state. The hydrothermal vents being studied...


Succession and Diversity through Dispersal and Settlement

Traducción al español a continuación The 9°North East Pacific Rise is an ideal study site to unravel primary succession, the rate at which animal communities...


Curiosity-Driven Science – Week 2 Update

Working as part of a team on Research Vessel Falkor (too) creates a situation ripe for the spreading of knowledge and cross-collaboration. Scientists are close...


Dejar el Mundo un Poquito Mejor | Science Stories

"El cuidar estos ecosistemas implica superarnos a nosotros también, y entonces siento que estoy saciando como lo que lo que quería, saciando mi curiosidad pero...


Life in Crust Cracks and Crevices

Traducción al español a continuación The first thing that one notices when approaching the deep-sea hydrothermal vents at 9ºN on the East Pacific Rise is...


Traveling through Vents – Week 1 Update

"We do not fully understand how the animals who live on hydrothermal vents find them and come to the vents." The #VentUnderworld team has embarked...


Giant Worms on a Very Special Volcano

Traducción al español a continuación I come from Austria, a country in the middle of Europe that is landlocked but contains beautiful mountains, lakes, and...
