Interdisciplinary Investigation of the Pescadero Basin

Cruise Log

Keep On Venting – Ep. 3 – There’s a Whole Ecosystem?

"Hydrothermal vents and the dynamic ecosystems that live amid the darkness are vital to our beautiful planet and its cycles." Explore geochemical and microbiological interactions,...


Keep On Venting – Ep. 2 – What is Chemosynthesis?

Hydrothermal vents are some of the most biologically active areas in the deep sea. Why? How can creatures not only survive, but *thrive* in areas...


Keep On Venting – Ep. 1 – A Hydrothermal What?

How do interactions between the Earth's rocky crust, molten core, and liquid oceans create hydrothermal vents? What exactly are these vents, and why are they...


The Opening of the Gulf of California

Tectonic plates are in constant motion, slowly moving along the Earth’s mantle as hot magma circulates below. These slow-moving plates are responsible for the formation...


Historia geológica de las cuencas del Golfo de California

English translation below. Existen tres límites principales de placas tectónicas: Divergente, es el lugar en donde dos placas se separan, lo que origina que el...


Life Found a Way

One of the most well-known pop-cultural science references comes from the classic 1993 film “Jurassic Park." Throughout the film a renegade mathematician specializing in chaos...


La Sala

English translation below. Estoy escribiendo desde la sala, con mis pies ya en tierra firme, pero el cerebro sigue allá recreando el movimiento del R/V...

NASA/JPL-Caltech/ArtCente, Data to Discovery Program, and The Orphan Lab

DeepSEE: A Virtual Window Under the Waves

In a few clicks, without even leaving our offices, we could be 3,660 meters underwater - looking at the animals and microbes living at hydrothermal...


Science Story – Microorganism Champions – Video Update

Microorganisms are the champions of changing the chemistry of ecosystems, and oftentimes they form exciting partnerships with one another to create new, unique types of...


Deep Sea Alliances

Relationships between Marine Invertebrates and Bacteria Forty years ago, scientists discovered invertebrates at the bottom of the ocean that forever changed how we view life...


A Mountain in a Grain of Sand

How a Dirty Paper Towel Changed My View of the Matterhorn Vent Traducción al español a continuación. I am a geochemist. My primary job on...

ROV SuBastian / SOI

Understanding Life through Hydrothermal Vents

Research vessels, like the R/V Falkor, are excellent tools for studying and understanding life on Earth. With state-of-the-art technology armed by a full team of...

ROV SuBastian / SOI

Heat Flow and Vent Chemistry – Video Update

"The Auka Vent Field is relatively close (to the JaichMaa'ja'ag field), so we were expecting to find similar readings. We were surprised to find out...



English translation below.  SuBastian nos abrió paso en la oscuridad. Una medusa y otros seres saludaron en el camino. En las orillas de la cuenca...

Mónika Naranjo-Shepherd

Science Story – Marine Geophysicist – Video Update

"Picture an avocado; its seed is the Earth’s core, the flesh is the mantle, and its thin skin is the Earth’s crust. That’s what I...

Mónika Naranjo-Shepherd

Faults and Cracks

The following is the opinion of Monika Naranjo-Shepherd. Taducción al español a continuación.  The other day I was browsing through my social media feed and...

Mónika Naranjo-Shepherd

Artist-At-Sea – Conversing with Rocks – Video Update

"I believe observation trigger the creative process. Science and art are both creative and require observation. They compliment each other as ways to ask questions...

Mónika Naranjo-Shepherd

Una Historia Contada por Rocas

English translation below.  Los cruceros oceanográficos siempre generan mucha expectativa en la comunidad científica. Poder realizar inmersiones en las profundidades del mar, observar organismos que...

Mónika Naranjo-Shepherd

Science Story – Marine Geologist – Video Update

Co-Chief Scientist Ronald M. Spelz-Madero gives a quick insight into how he became a marine geologist and some of his notable experiences during such work....

Mónika Naranjo-Shepherd

Architecture of the Depths

Traducción al español a continuación In all of the known universe, Earth is the only planet that hosts not only life, but also liquid water...


Tectonics and Mapping – Video Update

"Our aim is to acquire high-resolution images of the seafloor so we can better interpret all of the tectonic processes related to the ongoing opening...


El Horizonte No Esta Lejos

(English translation follows below) Es otoño, Venus una estrella del atardecer, y desde la cubierta del R/V Falkor podemos ver el relieve montañoso de la...
