Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation (GHOF) to connect with students from all over the globe, giving them the opportunity to learn more aboout ocean-based research. More information available here.

Schmidt Ocean Institute has come together with The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO), the United Nations body responsible for championing global ocean science and services, to advance the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. More information available here.

Schmidt Ocean Institute is in partnership with the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) focusing on the effective development and application of marine science and technology for purposes of exploration, understanding, and sustainable use of the ocean and its resources. More information available here.

Schmidt Ocean Institute signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) in 2016 when we tank tested ROV SuBastian at MBARI’s facilities and worked on multiple research expeditions together.

Schmidt Ocean Institute and National Geographic Society partner to advance diversity and equity in ocean exploration. The collaboration aims to strengthen project leadership, encourage career development, and amplify diverse perspectives in ocean-related work. More information available here.

Schmidt Ocean Institute has come together with The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project for the joint signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to share all of its collected mapping data with the project.

The signed Memorandum of Agreement with NOAA’s Office of Exploration and Research will expand the United States’ ability to explore, map the seafloor and publicly share the discoveries.
We appreciate that our impact is multiplied by the efforts, knowledge, and resources of the groups we have worked with:

Leading free resource that promotes marine conservation through community engagement, online media, and eco-tourism, with readers in 174 countries.

Greybits Engineering
Greybits Engineering is a Software Engineering and Data Science Consultancy based in Sydney, Australia. They specialise in full-stack development of online API platforms, as well as creating tools for management, exploration and analysis of large visual datasets.

Temple University
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Temple University on Discovering Deep Sea Corals of the Phoenix Islands, October 2017.

Boston University
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Boston University on Discovering Deep Sea Corals of the Phoenix Islands, October 2017.

National Science Foundation
Schmidt Ocean Institute continues to work closely with many scientists whose research is supported by the National Science Foundation.

Baruch College
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Baruch College on Discovering Deep Sea Corals of the Phoenix Islands, October 2017.

Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with GEOMAR on the Virtual Vents and 3D Hydrothermalism cruise, March 2016.

Columbia University
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with Columbia University on Ecosystem dynamics of Western Pacific hydrothermal vent communities, April 2016.

Harvard University
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with Harvard University on Ecosystem dynamics of Western Pacific hydrothermal vent communities, April 2016.

Georgia Institute of Technology
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the Georgia Institute of Technology on A Changing River: Measuring Nutrient fluxes to the South China Sea, June 2016.

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) on the Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Rise cruise, June 2013.

Nanyang Technological University
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with the Nanyang Technological University on the Unlocking Tsunami Secrets cruise, May 2015.

J. Craig Venter Institute
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with the J. Craig Venter Institute on the Subseafloor Life Axial Seamount cruise, September 2013.

Center for Marine Environmental Sciences MARUM University of Bremen
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM)/University of Bremen on the Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Rise cruise, June 2013.

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology on the Mixing Up the Tropical Pacific, July 2015.

Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Indonesian Institute of Sciences on the Unlocking Tsunami Secrets cruise, May 2015.

Institute of Physics of Paris Globe
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Institute of Physics of Paris Globe on the Unlocking Tsunami Secrets cruise, May 2015.

Earth Observatory of Singapore
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Earth Observatory of Singapore on the Unlocking Tsunami Secrets cruise, May 2015.

ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with The Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies on the Timor Sea Reef Connections April 2015.

Griffiths University
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Griffiths University on the Timor Sea Reef Connections, April 2015.

Stanford University
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Stanford University on the Timor Sea Reef Connections, April 2015.

The Australian Institute of Marine Science – AIMS
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with The Australian Institute of Marine Science on the Timor Sea Reef Connections, April 2015.

Liquid Robotics
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Liquid Robotics on the Coordinated Robotics Cruise, March 2015.

Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with EvoLogics on the Coordinated Robotics Cruise, March 2015.

Australian Marine Ecology (AME)
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Australian Marine Ecology (AME) on the Coordinated Robotics Cruise, March 2015.

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo on the Coordinated Robotics Cruise, March 2015.

MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the Coordinated Robotics Cruise, March 2015.

Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS)
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) on the Coordinated Robotics Cruise, March 2015.

Australian Research Council (ARC)
SOI has worked with ARC on the Coordinated Robotics Cruise, March 2015, the Timor Sea Reef Connections, April 2015, and the Unlocking Tsunami Secrets cruise, May 2015.

James Cook University
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with James Cook University on the Coordinated Robotics Cruise, March 2015.

University of Sydney
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with the University of Sydney on the Coordinated Robotics Cruise, March 2015.

University of Rhode Island
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with the University of Rhode Island on the Coordinated Robotics Cruise, March 2015.

Australian Centre for Field Robotics at the University of Sydney
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with the Australian Centre for Field Robotics at the University of Sydney on the Coordinated Robotics Cruise, March 2015.

University of Washington
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the University of Washington during the Hydrothermal Hunt in the Marianas cruise, November 2015.

University of Houston
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with University of Houston during the Magnetic Anomalies of the World’s Largest Volcano cruise, May 2015.

Texas State Aquarium
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the Texas State Aquarium during the Magnetic Anomalies of the World’s Largest Volcano cruise, May 2015.

Chiba University
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with Chiba University during the Magnetic Anomalies of the World’s Largest Volcano cruise, May 2015.

Oregon State University
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with Oregon State University during the Magnetic Anomalies of the World’s Largest Volcano cruise, May 2015.

National Geographic Society
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the National Geographic Society during the Magnetic Anomalies of the World’s Largest Volcano cruise, May 2015.

Environmental Protection Agency of Victoria
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the Environmental Protection Agency of Victoria during the Tracking the Tasman Sea’s Hidden Tide expedition, January 2015.

University of Alaska Fairbanks
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with The University of Alaska Fairbanks during the Tracking the Tasman Sea’s Hidden Tide expedition, January 2015.

Institute of Marine Sciences (Italy)
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the Institute of Marine Sciences (Italy) during the Perth Canyon: First Deep Exploration expedition, March 2015.

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation during the Perth Canyon: First Deep Exploration expedition, March 2015.

The University of Western Australia
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with The University of Western Australia during the Perth Canyon: First Deep Exploration expedition, March 2015 and Timor Sea Reef Connections April 2015.

Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation during the Expanding Mariana Trench Perspectives expedition, December 2014.

Office of Naval Research
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the Office of Naval Research during the Expanding Mariana Trench Perspectives expedition, December 2014.

Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with NASA during the Expanding Mariana Trench Perspectives expedition, December 2014.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with Scripps Institution of Oceanography during the Expanding Mariana Trench Perspectives expedition, December 2014.

Blue Planet Marine Research Foundation
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with Blue Planet Marine Research Foundation during the Exploring the Mariana Trench expedition, June 2014.

NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center during the Exploring the Mariana Trench expedition, June 2014.

National Oceanography Centre
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the National Oceanography Centre during the Exploring the Mariana Trench expedition, June 2014.

New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research during the Exploring the Mariana Trench expedition, November 2014.

University of Aberdeen Oceanlab
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with University of Aberdeen Oceanlab during the Exploring the Mariana Trench expedition, November 2014.

Whitman College
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with Whitman College during the Exploring the Mariana Trench expedition, June 2014.

Natural Environment Research Council
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the Natural Environment Research Council during the Mysteries of Ontong Java Project, June 2014.

University of Tasmania Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the University of Tasmania Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies during the Mysteries of Ontong Java Project, June 2014.

University of Minnesota
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the University of Minnesota during the The Iron Eaters of Loihi Seamount, June 2014.

NOAA Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the NOAA Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument during the Papahānaumokuākea Monument cruise, February and April 2014.

University of British Columbia
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the University of British Columbia during the Papahānaumokuākea Monument cruise, February 2014.

NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with NOAA – the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – during The Secret Lives of Whales Student Cruise, February 2014.

University of Hawaii at Manoa
SOI worked with UH Manoa during The Secret Lives of Whales Student Cruise, February 2014, Iron Eaters of Loihi Seamount, June 2014, Coordinated Robotics Cruise, March 2015, and Mixing Up the Tropical Pacific, July 2015.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the University of Massachusetts, Amherst during the Subseafloor Microbial Ecosystems at Axial Seamount project, September and October 2013.

NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory during the Subseafloor Microbial Ecosystems at Axial Seamount project, September and October 2013.

University of Washington Applied Physics Lab
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the University of Washington Applied Physics Lab during the Subseafloor Microbial Ecosystems at Axial Seamount project, September and October 2013.

Marine Microbiology Initiative, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
SOI worked with the Marine Microbiology Initiative, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation during the Subseafloor Microbial Ecosystems at Axial Seamount project, September and October 2013.

Marine Biological Laboratory
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the Marine Biological Laboratory during the Subseafloor Microbial Ecosystems at Axial Seamount project, September and October 2013.

University of Victoria
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the University of Victoria during the Open Ocean to Inner Sea Cruise, August 2013.

University of Texas at Brownsville
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the University of Texas at Brownsville during the Mapping South Texas Banks Expedition, Sept 2012.

Ocean Networks Canada
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with Ocean Networks Canada during the Open Ocean to Inner Sea Cruise, August 2013.

Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the Exploratorium during Falkor’s First Visit to San Francisco, June 2013.

College of Charleston
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the College of Charleston during the Deep Sea Coral Habitat Project.

NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science during the Deep Sea Coral Habitat Project.

Duke University Marine Lab
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the Duke University Marine Lab on the Oases 2013: Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Rise cruise, June 2013.

University of Michigan
SOI worked with the University of Michigan during the Oases 2013: Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Rise cruise, June 2013, and the Coordinated Robotics cruise, March 2015.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory – Nasa
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with the Nasa Jet Propulsion Laboratory on the Oases 2013: Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Rise cruise, June 2013.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
SOI worked with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on several projects, including the Oases 2013: Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Rise cruise, June 2013, Iron Eaters of Loihi Seamount, June 2014, Expanding Mariana Trench Perspectives, December 2014, and Coordinated Robotics, March 2015.

Pennsylvania State University
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with Pennsylvania State University during the Long Term Effects of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill cruise, November 2012.

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences on the Long Term Effects of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Project, November 2012.

Florida State University
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Florida State University on the Long Term Effects of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Project, November 2012

Centro de Investigacion Cientifica de Yucatan in Mexico
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with the Centro de Investigacion Cientifica de Yucatan in Mexico on the Imaging the K-T Boundary Project, March 2013.

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México on the Imaging the K-T Boundary Project, March 2013.

University of Georgia
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with the University of Georgia on the Sustainability of Reef Fishes and Causes of Harmful Algal Blooms Project, October 2012.

Rice University
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Rice University on the Mapping South Texas Banks Cruise, September 2012.

Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies on the Sustainability of Reef Fishes and Causes of Harmful Algal Blooms Project, October 2012.

Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi
Schmidt Ocean Institute has worked with Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi on the Mapping South Texas Banks cruise, September 2012.

Center for Environmental Visualization
The Center for Environmental Visualization at the University of Washington has been supporting Schmidt Ocean Institute web site development efforts since 2011.

French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea
Schmidt Ocean Institute worked with experts from Ifremer during The Iron Eaters of Loihi Seamount, June 2014.

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Schmidt Ocean Institute continues to work closely with MBARI following the four successful research cruises conducted jointly with MBARI scientists in 2011 and 2012. In 2010, Schmidt Ocean Institute, Marine Science and Technology Foundation, and Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute signed a Memorandum of Understanding recognizing the common interests in the development and application of advanced technologies for ocean exploration and research.