“The purpose of this ship, as she leaves on her various missions, is to communicate about the science of the oceans to people so that they can care about it. We can’t take care of something that we don’t understand and we can’t care if we don’t know.”

– Wendy Schmidt, March 6, 2012.

R/V Falkor Inspired Lesson Plans

With help from the wonderful educators that have joined us on R/V Falkor, a number of lesson plans are available for your students to connect with the oceanographic research we are doing at sea.

Ask A Scientist

Connect with members of science parties, the ship’s crew on Research Vessel Falkor, or another specialist to ask a question about marine science and the technology we are using on our expeditions.

Careers at Sea

Learn about job opportunities involving the ocean and how the crew on research vessel Falkor got their start.

Ship-To-Shore Connections

Learn more about the Ship-to-Shore program and request them for your group here.

Ocean Resources

Bring important ocean learning to your classroom. Check out our favorite lessons and resources to help your students learn about the ocean.

Michael Utley, bosun, helps position ROV SuBastian on deck after a recovery.


Frequently asked questions about the background, capabilities, and operation of Remotely Operated Vehicles.