Dylan Mankel is an NSF GRFP Fellow and Ph.D. student in Biology at Boston University under Dr. Jeffrey Marlow. His research focuses on extremophile microorganisms and their habitats, ranging from hydrothermal vents in the Caribbean Sea to hyperalkaline springs in northern California. He is interested in how microbial communities come to inhabit and derive energy from these extreme environments, and what they may tell us about the origin and potential for life elsewhere in our solar system.
Dylan received his B.Sc. in Astrophysics and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from Michigan State University, where he worked on culturing microorganisms from the Lost City Hydrothermal Field. Later, he was a research technician at the NASA Ames Research Center analyzing the aqueous geochemistry of terrestrial serpentinizing systems. Canyons, Vents, and Seeps of the Chilean Margin will be his first research cruise and he is thrilled to explore this understudied and geologically dynamic region off the coast of Chile.