Paulo Relvas is Professor at the University of Algarve, Portugal, and researcher of CCMAR (Centre of Marine Sciences – Univ. Algarve). He received a PhD in Physical Oceanography from the School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, UK, in 1999. His scientific domain is mesoscale oceanography. His main research areas are the Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS), the dynamical processes in the Coastal Transition Zone, coastal
and shelf oceanography and the associated mesoscale structures, eddies, upwelling processes, structure and dynamics of upwelling filaments and meanders, inner shelf circulation and applied remote sensing.
and shelf oceanography and the associated mesoscale structures, eddies, upwelling processes, structure and dynamics of upwelling filaments and meanders, inner shelf circulation and applied remote sensing.
He is (and has been) responsible for several courses in physical oceanography at degree, masters, and doctoral levels at the University of Algarve, and in Spain, Guatemala, Cape Vert and Angola, as well as the supervision of several Master and PhD thesis and Post-Doc grants.