Dara Tebo is a REMUS AUV Operator in the Ocean Systems Laboratory (OSL) at WHOI. Dara started at WHOI in 2007 working in the Rigging Shop where she fabricated and tested mooring components and established procedures for testing wire used on the UNOLS Fleet. She has gone to sea with several groups at WHOI deploying and recovering gliders, Ocean Bottom Seismometers, and deep sea mooring systems. Dara has also participated in several shallow water experiments in the Hudson and Connecticut Rivers using moored sensors, an autonomous Jet-Yak, CTD casts and sidescan surveys from a small boat. A large portion of her work in OSL is with the US Navy. She received her degree in Historic Preservation from Roger Williams University.
When Dara is not on travel, she enjoys skiing, mountain biking, and boating.