Sophie Arnaud-Haond obtained her PhD in 2000 at the University of Montpellier. After two years of post-doctoral position at Ifremer in French Polynesia, she worked five years as a post-doctoral and associate researcher the Centre for Marine Sciences in Faro, Portugal. She joined the Deep Sea Ecosystems Department (DEEP) at the French Institute for Exploration of the Sea (Ifremer) in 2007. She is specialized in Ecology and Evolution of Marine Organisms. She studies dispersal and barriers to migration in the marine environment, associated to complex life cycles, to understand their implications for biodiversity and their influence on the evolution of marine organisms. She uses indirect evidences of spatial and temporal dynamics derived from molecular markers and confronts the results to past and present demographic trends and environmental parameters characterizing populations and communities. Owing to recent development in metabarcoding, she enlarged those study using molecular biodiversity inventories of communities to acknowledge the importance of biotic interaction on those processes. She has been leading several national and international projects mostly dedicated to theoretical population genetics and the development of adapted analytical methods, as well as on the conservation of vulnerable marine ecosystems. The final aim of most of her work is the conservation of threatened species or habitats, and the study of metapopulation systems to infer connectivity patterns at different spatial and temporal scales in the oceans. She is thus also interested in the application of scientific information to the Management and Conservation of Marine Genetic Resources, as well as to issues related to their Access and Benefit Sharing.