Peter Kohnert is a PhD candidate at the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology (ZSM) Munich in the lab of P.D. Dr. Michael Schrödl. He is a specialist for pelagic gastropods, their anatomy, taxonomy, geobiography and phylogenetic relationships and earned his diploma at the Ludwigs-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich, Germany. His interest includes the biodiversity of pelagic pteropod snails and slugs (also called Sea Butterflies and Sea Angels) with a focus on meso- and bathypelagic species, their life cycles and trophic relationships. Since the knowledge about these beautiful winged gastropods is still limited and live observations as well as records and samples are sparse, he is looking forward to exploring the depths of Western Australian waters and adding another piece to the puzzle of pteropod geobiography. Prior to joining the WAM Ningaloo/Nyinggulu Canyons 2020 Expedition, he took part in Deep Sea expeditions to the Kuril-Kamchatka-Trench and the Sea of Ochotsk and worked as a scientific diver for large marine mesocosm studies conducted by be GEOMAR Ocean Research Center (Kiel, Germany) as well as for biodiversity studies in the Mediterranean and Western Australia.