Monika Aggarwal is a Professor at IIT Delhi with extensive experience in signal and image processing. Prior to her current position, she worked with Hughes Software System in Gurgaon, India, and spent some time at Uppsala University in Sweden. Her research interests cover a wide range of signal types, including acoustic snow avalanche signals, auscultated bio-medical acoustics signals, underwater acoustics reverberations, 2-Dimensional image signals, and N-dimensional spatial and vector signals. She is also actively involved in classical problems related to directional arrival estimation, beamforming, target detection in radar and sonar, and other applications. Additionally, she is contributing to the design and deployment of underwater acoustic and light-based communication systems. Her current passion lies in quantum computation. Prof Monika Aggarwal also serves as Editor IETE and Sadhana. She is an active member of IEEE and serves as the SPS Chapter Delhi section Chair and she is also faculty in-charge of IEEE student branches for SPS, WIE, OES, MTS at IIT Delhi.