Artist, educator and marine advocate, Cindy Roe takes inspiration from her deep, immovable kinship with the sea to craft her unforgettable paintings and sculptures. A lifetime of living both on and next to the water has enabled her to express its serenity, history, function and vulnerability. Roe incorporates a variety of media to capture the depth of her subjects. She deftly paints historic, and often endangered working waterfronts. But most importantly, she has garnered the interest of art lovers and environmentalists alike by collecting plastic flotsam she finds along the shoreline and transforming it into thought provoking, visually stimulating three-dimensional forms. Sculpting out of marine debris has become the driving force behind Cindy Pease Roe’s career, and serves most effectively to support her message as an eco-artist. She is the founder and creator of UpSculpt, a socially disruptive educational movement that supports the creation of art from marine debris.