Amanda Netburn is an Oceanographer at NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, where she leads the effort to incorporate water column observations and sampling into the exploration paradigm. This is accomplished through advising on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and other expeditions, supporting NOAA grants programs, and developing novel partnerships. Amanda has a PhD in Oceanography and a Masters degree in Marine Conservation and Biodiversity from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. For her dissertation research, she studied the effects of deep hypoxic waters on the physiology and distributions of mesopelagic fishes off of southern California. In the past, Amanda has researched sustainable seafood at a non-governmental organization, taught SCUBA, captained small boats, and worked in aquaculture. She has sailed on over a dozen oceanographic cruises, and uses acoustics, trawling, and submersible technologies to explore the mesopelagic zone, including leading many midwater ROV surveys remotely via telepresence.