Hannah Nolan provides an overview of two popular SOI programs—Berths of Opportunity and the Artist-at-Sea. Watch to learn about the purpose of both programs, past highlights, how to apply, and what to expect.

How to Apply for Ship Time II Berths of Opportunity & Artists-at-Sea

Waypoint 1 with Hannah Nolan (moderated by Allison Miller)

Two programs for individuals to join Falkor (too)—the Berths of Opportunity program and the Artist-at-Sea program are discussed in this session. The application process for both programs is competitive, and selection is based on a fit for the expedition, interest level, location, and reach.

During this session, further detail was provided about both the Berths of Opportunity and the Artist-at-Sea programs, including if there are requirements for individuals to be from the targeted geographic regions [2:33], how SOI is recruiting applicants for the programs [3:48], how individuals will be selected [4:19], if applications are for specific expeditions or if SOI makes the placements [4:58], how the new Berths of Opportunity program differs from the previous Student Opportunities Program [6:06], if an individual can apply for both programs [7:32], what are the roles and expectations for participants on an expedition [8:36], if SOI can accommodate applicants with mobility issues [9:58], and what meals are like on the ship [10:58].

Viewers also asked about when SOI would be accepting applications for these programs [12:08], if there were limitations on art mediums [13:22], how interested persons can apply for years that are further out [14:07], if teams of artists would be considered [15:28] and if recent college graduates are eligible [15:53], how the art created connects back to the scientific research and how past artist participants have stayed connected [16:29], selection criteria for the Berths of Opportunity program [18:17], what the workspace on Falkor (too) looks like [19:18], if persons without a connected to a geographic region will be considered [20:36], how artists can respect copyrights and still utilize sound and images captured on the ship [21:29], if there are any stylistic limitations to the art created on board [23:32], how do program alumni stay connected after their expeditions [24:18], if museum curators are eligible to participate [26:23], and what are some examples of multidisciplinary projects that have taken place on SOI’s vessels [26:56].

Waypoint 2 with Hannah Nolan (moderated by Allison Miller)

Conversation about the Berths of Opportunity program and the Artist-at-Sea program continued in this second session. The programs focus on a more regional approach, with priority given to people living in the region where the ship is operating.

After sharing some success stories from prior expeditions, Hannah responded to inquiries about who is eligible for the Berths of Opportunity program [3:12] and what roles those participants will have once on board [5:23], if applicants for either program need to apply for specific expeditions [6:26], what the expectations are for artists selected for the program and how they participate in SOI’s traveling exhibit [8:08], examples of the types of art that have been produced by past artists [10:01], opportunities for remote participation in the Artist-at-Sea program [12:02], if there is a preference for local participants for the Artist-at-Sea program [13:43], and what constitutes ‘local’ [14:45], if SOI is open to literary artist or choreographers for the Artist-at-Sea program [15:50], and what the workspaces are like for artists on board Falkor (too) [17:25].

Additional clarification about the programs and expectations for participants was provided, with questions about how many participants can be on board for either program at a time [18:29], if dietary restrictions can be accommodated [19:23], if younger artists are considered or if the program is geared toward more established artists [20:19], how past artists utilized technology on board and who has provided panels for use on ROV SuBastian [21:10], if there are any age limitations [22:42], if applicants to the Berths of Opportunity program need to have any science experience [23:03], if there are videographers available on the ship [23:55], and more information about how to apply to either program [25:24].

Helpful links referenced in the How to Apply for Ship Time II – Berths of Opportunity & Artists-at-Sea sessions:

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