Senay is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Malta, Marine Geology and Seafloor Surveying Group. She is currently working on geological modeling of continental margins for hydrogeology of offshore freshened groundwater. Her expertise is in sedimentary basin analysis using hydroacoustic, sediment, and borehole data. Her past research interests include exploration geology, gas hydrates and fluid flow, shallow gas, marine geohazards and submarine landslides, tectonic evolution of basins, and basin modeling. She holds MS and PhD degrees from the Pukyong National University, Korea. She had post-doctoral fellowships at the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources and Chungnam National University, Korea. She participated in two international research cruises, one of which was an IODP expedition in carbonate and drift sedimentary settings. She will be a member of the hydroacoustics team taking part in acquisition and mapping of sub-bottom profiling data during the Chilean cruise.